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9-23-2014 Min
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                        Meeting Minutes

Date:           September 23, 2014

Present:        Fred Beaulieu, Chairperson
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Sarto Caron, Associate
                Tom Kenney, Associate

7:00 PM The Minutes for August 26 were read and accepted. Fred read a memo              reminding members with building keys to follow “last person out” protocols
                when locking the building. Fred noted that the Finance Board has                requested the ZBA budget by January 5, 2015.  

7:30 PM Special Permit Request
                Raymond Boire
                8 Shore Drive   R01-A-10     Book 5497     Page 458

                Applicant wants to enclose the front and back porches and replace a             shed. The old shed has been removed.

                A site visitation was scheduled for September 24 at 6:15 PM.
                A continuance was scheduled for October 14 at 7:30 PM.

8:00 PM Andy Harhay informally met with the Board to discuss regulations for
                building a house on two combined lots.

8:10 PM The meeting was adjourned.

CC:             Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA file.

                Submitted by:

                Ronald Seaburg, Secretary